Monday, July 25, 2016

Ghostbusters (?) Review.

Taking a break from playing Overwatch (and not writing about it sorry will soon), and being horrified at the number of people supporting a literal fascist for president, I decided to take some time to write about something not the least bit controversial.  Ghostbusters.

Ghostbusters is a movie starring 4 women who fight ghosts and it in no way resembles any other movie.  It's a completely original movie that is shockingly not even an adapted screen play!  This isn't even a movie based on a comic book, or cartoon, or even any other movie because I've seen nothing like it.  The CGI was FANTASTIC and really reminded me of the army of the dead that had to serve the real king of Gondor or whatever from Lord of the Flies: Return of the Jedi.

The movie takes place in the fictional city of New York City and features a supporting cast of Norse thunder god and whoa!  Bill fuckin Murray from Zombieland!  Side note: I never understood what they were talking about in Zombieland.  Why are they pointing that vacuum cleaner at a chandelier?  I liked the theme song to that movie Jesse Eisenberg and Abigail Breslin was watching.  What was it called?...Caddyshack!  Great movie.

The characters fight ghosts with something called a neutron pack. It uses magic (the main characters are 2 wizards, an alchemist, and a rail conductor) to trap ghosts and then they send them to the farplane where they boringly stare at Tidus.  A demonic rift opens up in the sky in the 3rd act and the ladies shoot magic at leader ghost until dead the end.  But wait!  Ripley from Aliens shows up in the credits sequence so, yeah, this movie is actually a prequel to Aliens, which is not a sequel to any other movie.

So in summation, Ghostbusters was a great movie/Aliens prequel/Zombieland sequel/original screenplay based on Shakespeare's MacBeth.  May the force be with you.


Follow me on Twi - okay.  I know what you're thinking.  "Jason.  That Final Fantasy X joke was really forced."  You got me there.

I love the first Ghostbusters.  I like the 2nd Ghostbusters (which makes me an oddity).  And the new Ghostbusters fails because it just isn't an instant classic OMG holy shit what kind of expectation is that sadiofjagkgnjfjkf!

The new Ghostbusters is fine.  I thought it was really good but has some flaws.  Is it an all time great comedy with action elements?  No, but hardly anything is.

So many people were against this reboot (a hard reboot too apparently) that the only way it could win those people over is it can't.  It can't.  Why am I even trying?

And that's what I think of this review.  I'm not even going to try.....okay fine.

McCarthy and Whig are fine.  I usually find them "meh" but here they are slightly better than "meh".  Leslie Jones is great and totally worth all that Twitter hate you lovely individuals out there put out.  There was zero things she did in that movie to deserve that you, you, wonderful examples of human beings.  You're just, the best.  #FreeMilo.

Kate MacKinnon is my favorite and makes the movie.  I know some found her irritating but I love quirky characters who always win and I'm going to marry her. Well, not her IRL, but her character whatshername......


Follow me on Twi - hold on

Fuck it.  I've now tried twice and still can't write a proper review of this movie. I followed the controversy, even wrote about it, and all I know is I wasted a fuck load of time on pointless bullshit.  I mean, I know the feels man.  In a previous blog, I repeatedly wrote about upcoming remakes of classic movies and how it was so....just, the worst.  But then, I remembered, every movie ever has been remade, some quite well, and my complaints seem hollow.  I've mentioned this before, but I think The Seven Samurai is one of the best movies ever made and it's only been remade oh, 4,769 times (citation needed).  That movie was made in 1954.  Remakes are not a new thing.  They've always been around.  

So, In all honesty, here is what I thought of Ghostbusters in quick form.

  • The characters are really all fine.  I wasn't lying about Kate MacKinnon though. She's the best.
  • Chris Hemsworth is the "dumb female eye candy who is pointless to the plot" only in reverse.  He actually is important to the a damsel in distress.
  • The CGI is annoying but I liked the use of color in the 3rd act fight scene.  So I give it a wash.  (I'm still anti-gratuitous CGI and wish more "camera trick" style ghosts were in the movie). 
  • Speaking of that 3rd act, it's obvious Paul Feig doesn't direct action movies because that pacing was a garbage fire.  Yes, me of all people, complaining about PACING.  
  • I also hate that "hero shows up at the last second to save person despite all reason and practicality" trope.  Whig is not with the other ladies when shit goes down but somehow finds them on some random street in New York Fucking City just in time to save MacKinnon.  I know they would be somewhere near the portal but come on.
  • Yes the characters are fine.....even if I can't remember any of their names.  
  • Finally, the villain is SHIT.  What was his motive?  To release ghosts captured from his machine....and open a portal for more ghosts.....because he wanted..........uh.......what?  Did I miss something?  Why did he do any of this?  Was he just a crazy person?  Also, nice bait and switch on the main villain.  I thought it was going to be the ghost lady from the mansion.  Why even?  This villain problem is more severe than just superhero movies.
And, there you go.  I enjoyed the movie.  I won't remember it.  It is VERY rooted in modern humor (awkwardness, non sequiturs, awkwardness, one gross out, awkwardness, trope satire, wink wink nudge nudge jokes, and more awkwardness) as opposed to the more subtle jokes and self referential jokes of the original.   But it's fine.

Expecting a remake of a classic to live up to or heaven forbid, surpass the classic is ludicrous.  Classics get remade and can often have unique visions for the same story.  This one mostly didn't (Chris Hemsworth's character satire was more based on the industry as a whole).....but it did feel updated.  If a previous Ghostbusters never existed, would the haters still hate this movie?  Mmmmmmm, I think yes and no.  The obvious women haters would still hate it, but those insisting that an all female cast has nothing to do with it, I think some (not all) would like it.  But yeah, nobody is going to say, "this movie is an all time classic."


Follow me on Twitter for reals this time.  I mostly talk about Overwatch, pop culture, movies, and recently politics because obviously.  Sometimes sports, which I like too but I'm so busy.

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