Sunday, August 2, 2015

My Top 5 Favorite Mass Effect Characters

Obligatory Spoiler Warning for the main trilogy.  Also, very minor Citadel DLC spoilers.

There are so many good Mass Effect characters that narrowing a list down to just my five favorites was not easy.  However, I just couldn't eliminate any of the "Big 4" according to Mass Effect fans, so only one of these is not a spoiler that I just did.  But if you've read anything else I've written on this blog, you already know who that is so there you go.  Don't bother reading this!

WAIT.  Come back.  I've got explanations and stuff.

Note:  This list is entirely based on these characters AS characters and not as AI weapon/bullet sponge/liabilities.  I could easily knock #3 completely off this list for thinking charging head long into 8 Geth by himself is a good idea.

5.  Urdnot Wrex

Wow.  Putting Wrex this low seems like it should be criminal but that's what I'm doing.  What do you think a Krogan prison would be like?....Don't answer that.

Hey now.  It's a top 5 so I still LOVE Wrex.  He starts as a Krogan mercenary, becomes leader of clan Urdnot (unless you shot him in the first Mass Effect you monster), and eventually becomes the leader of the entire Krogan race.  He's a pure badass and as an older Krogan with a sweet scar, you KNOW he has seen some shit.  As long as you keep him alive in the first game, he becomes one of Shepard's best bros especially with the Citadel DLC...assuming you don't fuck him over in ME3 with the Genophage cure, you monster.  Also, he has a sly sense of humor that is really, really endearing.  Good writing on Bioware's part.

The main two reasons he is at number 5 is because his character arc is kinda ridiculous and that he is relegated to a side character through most of the trilogy.  He is a squadmate in ME1, has a short cameo in ME2, and is a super important plot character in ME3 but never joins the Normandy (until the Citadel DLC).  And considering everything we learn about Krogan culture, how in the hell did he jump up from mercenary to Urdnot leader in two games?  Krogans are willing to kill each other if another Krogan looked at another funny.  Plus, for his obsession with the Genophage and wanting to save the Krogan race, how many Krogans did he have to kill to get that position?

While solidifying the fifth spot, Wrex is still awesome.  If you don't like him, try to fight him.  In real life.  (You - "That's impossible Jason." Me - "SHUT UP").

4.  Tali Zorah vas Normandy

#1 and 2 constantly flip back and forth for me.  So do #4 and 3 so Tali could easily be #3 tomorrow.

The biggest reason Tali isn't higher is because in ME1, she doesn't have as much of an actual character as she is a walking Quarian encyclopedia.  She seems like wasted potential in the first game, only to serve the need of "tech specialist".

I guess Bioware realized the wasted potential because it was surprising to see how much character they gave her in ME2, including a surprise appearance in the very first mission.  In one playthrough, I romanced Tali after romancing NOBODY in ME1 because I'm no cheater.  It was worth it despite her face reveal being dumb as hell.*

*Really?  Why not design a face for her?  I don't care if she looks almost human.  Anything would have been better than what we got.  Were you too busy designing the PAID day-one Javik DLC?

Her personality is very fun and she mixes seriousness with silliness in a believable way.  For lack of a better term, her personality is adorable, while also being badass...if that makes sense.  I think Bioware used the "drunk Tali" joke one too many times with the Citadel DLC, but otherwise it was a unique quirk.  She does complain about her parents at times but that just comes across as a teenage-early 20's type of thing, which would be correct for her races' biology.  I personally like her better as a non-romance option since she sometimes comes across as a MAJOR Shepard fangirl and mixed with her personality, makes her something of a little sister type.

Regardless, she is one of my favorites, and her nerdy, quirky self will always be remembered as one of my favorite video game characters ever.

3.  Garrus Vakarian

Garrus is basically the best friend type to Shepard, unless you romanced him which I DID in my only Femshep playthrough.  He is a very awkward romance option, but he was adorable at times.

I find it odd to have Garrus on this list because more than any other on this list, I don't really know what to say.  Well...I mean I DO know what to say but, why is he here?  In ME1, he is a decent character but too cliche.  Stick up the ass former cop who doesn't want to play by the rules anymore?  Yeah.  No piece of media has ever done that before.  Then, in ME2, Garrus seems to go renegade by being inspired by Shepard, regardless if Shepard was renegade or paragon or middle ground.  He doesn't quite fanboy as much as Tali fangirls', but the inspiration seems to come a bit cheap.  (A BIT cheap.  I actually like this about Garrus. I just think the writing could have been better on the ME2 Arcangel mission).

I may have been the only person who was pretty neutral on Garrus, until ME3.  He is GREAT in ME3.  I bro'd out with him sooooooo much.  I really like the quiet talks with him about how he is sorry about Earth, then Shep is sorry about Palaven, then they just connect like bros do, you know? Garrus is #1 on this list for being a rock for your character (....maybe), for being a comrade in arms, and for being a friend.  The final talk with him before the last mission in ME3 is particularly strong and emotional.  I'd drink with this dude on top of a dangerous Citadel catwalk and shoot bottles with a sniper rifle with him anytime.

2.  Mordin Solus

5 out of 10 times, Mordin is #1.  I dropped him to 2 for shock value because if you read my Top 10 Favorite Video Games Part 2, you would know he is my fav.  Are you shocked I put him at 2?  I write this blog for entertainment damnit.  Are you not entertained?!?!?!  Are you?!?!?

Not to repeat too much of what I said in that previous post, Mordin might be the only character who doesn't treat Shepard like a God.  Sure, he thinks Shepard is a great solider, but he/she is nothing more than that.  Mordin is really the only character to fight back with Shepard in discussions.  YES, Wrex does at Virmire in ME1, but that is more about the mission than philosophy, epistemology, and who the hell you are.  Ashley does at times too but fuck her (I usually saved Kaidan even though he's somehow a boring weirdo).

Mordin is thoughtful in his discussions.  His loyalty mission in ME2 has some of the best written dialog I have ever seen in a video game.  He defends his work with the Genophage (please try this mission paragon if you haven't, renegade agrees with him too much) but after much pressure he starts to have doubt in his voice and his animations.  He never actually caves in to Shepard's opinion, but the struggle is apparent.  So well written and voice acted.

Despite changing voice actors in ME3, he is great here too.  The loyalty mission in ME2 perfectly foreshadowed his change of heart on the Genophage.  Then, during the Curing the Genophage mission, he goes out LIKE A BOSS.  I don't even care if you don't agree with me but it is one of the most badass, while ALSO "brings a tear to your eye" moments in all of fiction.  I am not even kidding.  Mordin is the smartest grizzled bastard to ever grace our entertainment.

And if that wasn't enough, he also has one of the most shockingly funny moments in ME2 singing Rodgers and Hammerstein, and has one of the best postmortems in the Citadel DLC.

1.  Liara T'Soni

Finding a good Liara picture is hard since it's mostly porn.  Here is a great one from DeviantArt.

Yes, I am aware a lot of people don't like Liara all that much due to her being heavily featured in ME3, having quite a bit of game time in ME1, and having an entire ME2 DLC devoted to her.  In my opinion, she is a well rounded character so I don't see a problem, but understand why people want more time devoted to other characters.  For me, all of this helped put her into the number 1 spot (when it isn't Mordin), and no, the fact that she was my romance option in my first playthrough didn't influence my decision.....Okay maybe a little.

Liara as a romance option is one of the better subplots, but she is mainly here due to her great character arc.  I'm always, ALWAYS, a big fan of characters that change due to their experiences.  Liara in my opinion, changes more than any other character (except for maybe Jack, but her change is almost random in its weirdness) as she starts out as a naive, optimistic, history dork and turns into a cold, secretive, ruthless spymaster in ME3.  I am utterly confused that some people hated the "new" Liara but I loved her.

Side note, but I apparently have a "thing" for Bioware spymasters.

People complained about her obsession with getting Shepard's body back after his/her death in the beginning of ME2.  Too bad that's WRONG, because her obsession was about stopping the Collectors from getting it, via the Shadow Broker.  It's not like she was trying to get it for herself.  The only reason Cerberus got it at all is because she figured at least it isn't the goddamn Collectors.  Even then, she was reluctant to help them and didn't know the whole zombie Shepard thing until later.  She was never trying to "bring back Shepard"*

*I read the Mass Effect: Redemption comic which helps explain all this in more detail.  You may call it cheating since that info isn't in the game.  I call it who cares my list.

Starting out with saving the galaxy, seeing her friend/lover's body get pursued by mysterious aliens, having to fight the Shadow Broker to get another friend back, and trying to warn the Council about the looming Reaper threat to deaf ears, it's no wonder she got hardcore. Even then, the sweet, nice, girl next door Liara still pops out from time to time.  Her hardened persona even cracks completely after Thessia is invaded by the Reapers and she breaks down in an emotional outburst.  Old Liara isn't completely gone.

Liara's mix of personality and character arc make her great.  She is undoubtedly in Shepards inner circle in ME3 after being a friend who wants to keep her distance in ME2 and feeling like she is just along for the ride in ME1 (where she admittedly is obsessed with Shepard's connection to the Prothean beacons).  Plus, being one of the best romance options helps give her more character, and one of the more believable romances in any video game even though she never visits a probably lonely Shepard on Earth, that bitch.

My only real complaint with her...well, I'll quote Garrus in the Citadel DLC.  "Shepard, is it just the alcohol or was Liara always so blue?"  She was not Garrus.  She was not.


Follow me on Twitter where you'll hear about more Mass Effect Month posts.

Just to piss of anybody who hated Liara a bit more, she is young by Asari standards.  Out of any character, she is the most likely to still be alive and make a cameo in the new Mass Effect: Andromeda considering it takes place further in the future.  HAHAHAHAHA.....I seriously doubt she will but still HAHAHAHAHA......wait.  She is 110 years old in the game, and if Asari live to be around 1, in human years my romance option is OH GOD NO!

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