Saturday, August 1, 2015

August is Mass Effect Month!

Welcome to Mass Effect Month!

All August long, we will be posting nothing but Mass Effect articles!  This series is my personal favorite franchise (at least until ME: Andromeda ruins everything), so much so that Mass Effect 3 only missed my top 10 list due to a self imposed "one entry per franchise" rule.  I feel like I could write novels about just how much I love this game series.

So this is a month long celebration for a series I know a lot of you love as well. Coming soon you will see my top 5 favorite characters, an article about why the Suicide Mission is so damn good, and a more personal article about how Mass Effect saved my love of gaming...(I'm not kidding).  Nothing is perfect however, so I'll also include a post about how I would change the ending if I had such godlike powers to do so.  There will also be a few critiques thrown around.

And this is just some of the content you should expect as we could have a few more as well.  I know AJ has something up his sleeve.  It should be a good time for everybody, although, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS so people who haven't played the games are gonna be a little left out...sorry friends (you know who you are).

So stick around all month long and lets chat Mass Effect.  FIRST ACTUAL POST TOMORROW.

I should go.


BTW!  If you want to join in on this Mass Effect extravaganza with a post of your own, lemme know on Twitter and I'll add ya.  This is open to anybody.

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