Thermal Clip

Thermal Clip

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Beyond Good and Evil HD Review

Every time I play a cult classic, I can't help myself from purposely seeking out what makes the game special.  The last cult classic game I've played, which is debateably the cult-iest classic-ist game ever, is Deadly Premonition.  While I didn't really like the game all that much due to its wonky combat, bizarre difficulty (either way too easy to way too hard), the worst map in video game history, and one of the longest, dumbest mandatory sequences I have ever seen (the dog chase)...I still GOT it.  No really, I GET the appeal of Deadly Premonition.  Some of the more nuanced parts were so good/weird that I couldn't help but sort of enjoy the game while also hating it.  It's just one of those games that you have to experience for yourself to understand.

Beyond Good and Evil however, I didn't get.  Or, at least, whatever makes this game so popular seems contradictory to the reasons this game is praised.

In BGE, you take control of a woman named Jade, who is a photojournalist/martial arts expert/orphanage manager.  She lives in the town of Hillys which is periodically bombarded by bug like aliens called Domz raining down from a portal in the sky.  Also, there is a paramilitary group called the Alpha Sections who claim to be Hillys' only line of defense from the Domz and from people going missing.  Yet another faction called the Iris Network claims the Alpha Sections is responsible for kidnapping people and are secretly working with the Domz.

Not sure if these are Domz.  The game is vague.

If this all sounds like it could make an interesting plot, it doesn't.  Very early in the game, Jade joins the Iris Network and goes on photojournalism missions to prove the connection of the Domz to the Alpha Sections, which are then published for the citizens of Hillys too see.  The game leaves no ambiguity here when some would have been much appreciated.  Almost immediately, the game tells you right out that the Alpha Sections are bad guys after trying to hide it for, like, the first hour.  Why even bother?

As for Jade herself, she is a badass, but has emotions when bad things happen and ugh....Okay.  She lacks any real personality. Her characterization is basically, "Good person who fights evil and has emotions and stuff." This is basically the very same protagonist in any action game ever, although the better ones try to provide some depth.  Jade doesn't have much.  Why is she sheltering orphans?  Just cause she's the protagonist?  This is bare bones characterization.

Her design is cool as fuck though.  Her look is better than her writing.  

The secondary characters are arguably worse.  Pey'j, her "uncle", is a man-pig (this planet has humanoid animals as well) who is basically a rough and tumble mechanic/engineer who is secretly the leader of the Iris Network and I don't even care if that is a spoiler because it was obvious when a game has only 3 story critical characters.  Although, I will admit to smiling when he uses his jet boots and screams "chili con carne".  I love the rare B-movie parts to this game.

The other major secondary character is HH (he's referred to as double H in voice over), who is a noble knight type who provides the muscle of the group.  He's also really into a hero guide book that he has memorized and quotes constantly.  And...that's it.  We know NOTHING about his motivations.  I have no idea why he is working with Jade.  He's just another good guy because, why not I guess?  Also, his name is stupid.

He's so loyal....for NO REASON.

Even the ending to the game is full of WTF.  I don't even care if this is yet another spoiler because Jade can apparently magically heal people for NO REASON, and she floats in the sky and saves a bunch of kids MAYBE  or she steals their souls or some shit then credits.  What?  WHY?!?

With a plot that has no good surprises (I don't count the ending) and characters that are cardboard cutouts, the gameplay takes place in a pseudo-open world.  Areas are blocked off until the game lets you earn enough Pearls (a currency for your hovercraft) to upgrade your gear so you can reach a new area.  The Pearls are earned in main quests as well as side quests.  The side quests mostly consist of hovercraft racing, taking pictures of animals, catching bandits in tunnels, and the "Fallout Side Quest" of going into a monster filled den and killing everything.  They're pretty dumb, but for the age of the game, I'll give them a pass.

The gameplay itself is pretty pedestrian all across the board.  The game starts with hack n' slash mechanics where one button does every attack, one button dodges the heavily telegraphed enemy attacks, and...nothing else.  It's not so bad as much as it feels unfinished.  Although I must complement the animation of linking attacks from one enemy to another.  It's very slick and seamless.  It seems like an early Assassins Creed combat system.

Not sure what the fire is but yeah.  Hitting aliens with sticks.

The driving (and later, flying) sections are okay.  It's pretty average and feels like a typical GTA game of the time.  There isn't much to say here as I HATE "realistic" racing games so my bias says this arguably bland driving system is whatever.

It's functional.

Most of the main story missions though are heavily based on stealth sections, sometimes mixed up with the hack n' slash sections and OK.  I'M NOT GOING TO DO WHAT EVERYBODY THINKS I'M GOING TO DO....the stealth sections are fine.  I mean, they're average, but fine.  It is a bit jarring to go from the best stealth game of all time in MGSV to....THIS, but it's fine.  The stealth sections are mediocre due to really predictable guard AI and the inability to toggle crouch.....


Really?  I have to hold down the crouch button?  Please, just steal the idea from MGS (and you can't "old game" excuse this.  MGS ONE let you toggle crouch).  I beg you.  Why not at least have the option to toggle crouch?  I couldn't accept this fact and continuously checked the options menu hoping in vain that it would magically have the option to toggle crouch.  I think I have permanent damage in my left hand from holding down the same button for over 30 minutes straight.

Jade is ninja.  Silent like shadow, invisible like footsteps....wait.

So, what's the deal with this game?

Everything is so mediocre.  The characters are stereotypical archetypes.  The story is bland and has no surprises except that WTF nonsense ending.  The gameplay tries every sort of mechanic ever and therefore doesn't do any single one of them great.  It's all just average.  Everything you get is okay but seemingly unfinished for its time; gameplay, story, characters, and presentation are all "meh".  The graphics are a bit cartoony but not entirely.  Everything seems to be clinging to childhood while also introducing adult themes.  It's so goddamn mediocre it's infuriating.  Like, this game is a child friendly GTA or this games' fans are all nostalgia fucking this game because - OH MY GOD......


I am NOT the target audience for this game.  This game seems like a step up from the super kid friendly titles of Mario, Zelda, Spyro, BanjoKazooie, and the like in difficulty, while also being training for more adult titles like GTA and MGS at the time.  This game isn't designed for me.....and that's why I don't get it.

I GET this game though.

This game is a cult classic because some people played this in the 8-15 age range and it became a stepping stone to more adult games.  I can appreciate that.  It's not for me but I regret what I said earlier.  I get this game now....I guess.

....That cliffhanger epilogue is bullshit though.


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