Thursday, January 22, 2015

I Should Go


"Is this a Mass Effect blog?"...sorta!

This is a place for Video Games talk, Vidya Garms, film, TV, and whoever Taylor Swift is dating (just kidding...maybe).

We are gonna be pretty casual about this so don't mind teh occasional typo.  Blogging has become this pseudo-journalism thing that journalists hate because newspapers do the real blah, blah, blah.

Not every blog needs to be that.  I'm as much of a journalist as I am a Martian Gynecologist. The writers here just want to talk about literally "stuff" that has no effect on the real world.  Have fun reading, commenting and debating ultimately pointless crap. (Side note: I am one of these people).

So enjoy our talks about games and stuff.  Feel free to comment below.


PS.  The Legend of Zelda is overrated.

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