Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dark souls 3 personal experience review

As someome coming into Dark souls 3 with no prior experience I was warned that it was a difficult game and if I hadnt played any other Darks souls games then it might not be for me... but me being the stubborn person I am I didn't listen and bought it anyway...

  I REGRET EVERYTHING: first it took me setting up each character to find one I'm good with and then took me even longer just to get past the first boss, I had to ask several other's how they beat him and watch even more youtube videos and yet the first boss was supposed to be the easiest boss.

Now when finally after a month I got past the first boss and did a happy dance that'd turn everyones face red, I attempted to continue on only to never make it to the second boss and have since quit out of pure anger and frustration.

Will I go back and keep trying? Absofuckinlutely cause thats just who I am, I dont give up that easily and especially when it comes to video games I have a hard time with, I will angrily play until I beat it or break it.

So if theres a game you want to play and someone warns you its a difficult game unless you've played others like it snd that you may not like it LISTEN TO THEM AND DONT PLAY IT!!!
